by Silvia Mazabel Ortega MA, Dynaread Clinical Neuropsychology and Learning Disabilities.
If your child struggles with decoding a certain sound (phoneme) or sequence of sounds when reading, do the following:
Pronounce the word correctly and at the same time point at the sequence of graphemes (letters). Do not let him/her struggle: Simply say the word. Reading is like playing tennis. Your first ball will probably hit the net or go out of the court. If you would tell a young tennis pupil: Well, that was bad! You hit the net. Try again. Wrong again, now the ball is out. Again. Wrong! ... You will soon have a very hard time dragging this child to the tennis court :-)
The whole idea is transferring accurate information into the child's reading system, embedded in a logical context, used within a sentence with correct grammar, and having the child use as many senses as possible. For example, you may ask your child to rap the list of words just exercised, to write them down or use magnet letters to put the sounds together, or even use Jell-O powder or flour to trace the sequence of graphemes while pronouncing them.
TIP: You can use Control F, if you happen to be behind the computer, to quickly find the proper grapheme/phoneme in the list below.
List compiled by Mrs. Munro.
ab: cab, lab, nab, Tab
ack: back, hack, Jack, lack, Mack, pack, rack, tack, yak
ad: bad, dad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad
ag: bag, lag, nag, rag, sag, tag, wag, zag
am: dam, ham, jam, Pam, Sam, tam, yam
an: ban, can, Dan, fan, Jan, man, pan, ran, tan
ap: cap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, tap, zapast: fast, last
at: bat, cat, fat, mat, pat, rat, sat
ax: fax, Max, sax, tax, wax
ed: bed, fed, led, Ned, red, Ted, wed
eg: leg, peg
ell: fell, jell, Mell, Nell, sell, tell, well, yell
en: Ben, den, hen, Jen, Len, men, pen, ten
et: bet, get, let, met, net, pet, set, wet, yet
ess: Bess, less, mess
ib: fib, nib, rib
ick: Dick, Rick, pck, sick, tick, wick
id: bid, did, hid, lid, rid
ig: big, fig, jig, pig, rig, wig, zig
ill: Bill, dill, fill, hill, Jill, kill, mill, pill, will
im: dim, him, rim, Tim
in: bin, pin, sin, tin, win
ip: dip, hip, lip, rip, sip, tip, zip
iss: miss
it: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, mitt, pit, sit
ob: Bob, cob, job, mob, rob, sob
ock: dock, lock, rock, tock
od: nod, rod, sod
og: bog, dog, fog, hog, jog, log
om: Tom
on: Don, Ron
op: cop, hop, mop, top
ot: hot, pot, rot, tot
ub: cub, hub, rub, tub
uck: buck, duck, puck
ud: bud, cud, mud
ug, bug, dug, hug, jug, jug, put, rug
um: hum, sum
un: bun, fun, run, sun
up: cup, put
us, bus, fuss, Guss, Russ
ut: but, cut, hut, jut, mut, nut, rut
fade, jade, made, wade
bake, cake, lake, make, rake, take, wake
fame, game lame, tame,dame
cane, Dane, Jane, mane, pane, vane
cape, tape
date. fate, gate, hate, late, mate, rate
cave, gave, save
hide, ride
bike, like, hike, Mike
dime, time
dine, fine line, mine, nine, pine, vine, wine
pipe, ripe, wipe
fire, tire, wire
bite, kite
dive, hive
joke, poke, woke
code, rode
hole, pole
bone, cone, tone
cope, hope, rope
hose, nose, rose
note, vote
cube, tube
dune, June, tune
cute, mute
face, pace, race
age, cage, page, rage, sage, wage
Listed here are one syllable words that children can decode when they know only the consonant sounds. More difficult words would be taught as the children develop more skills.
ar: bar, car, far, jar, par, tar
arm, farm, barn
“er”, “ir”, and “ur” all make the same sound
girl, bird
fur, turn, burn
or: born, corn, form, horn, torn
bl: black, block
cl: clack, clam, clan, clap, clip, clock, club
fl: :flack, flag, flap, flat, flax, flick, flip, flock, flop
gl: glad, glass, glob, glum
pl: plan, plod, plot, pluck, plug, plum
sl: slab, slack, slam, slap, slick, slid, slim, slip, slot, slug
br: brag, bran, brass, brat, brick, brim
cr: crab, crack, cram, crib, crock, crop
fr: Fred, fret, frill, frog
gr: grab, Gran, grass, Greg, grub
tr: tram, trap, trim, trip, trod, trot, truck
End of list.
Our Dynaread team members are required to hold themselves accountable for serving our clients in adherence with our core values...
Contribute with scientific and overall integrity.
Retain the focus on the needs of each individual child.
Dynaread has been developed in the trenches of actual remediation, with our feet firmly planted on the ground. Scientific research is essential (and we consistently use it), but we also understand the realities at home and in school. Not all homes have two parents, not all Dad's or Mom's are always home, there is oftentimes no money, schools lack staff or funding. We listen, we observe, we discuss, and we build the best solutions we can for older (ages 7+) struggling readers.