In Loving Memory of Samuel Bomgard
Effective dyslexia remediation specifically designed for older struggling readers (age 7+).

*** Dyslexia Resources per Country/Province/State

Testing, Interventions, Legislation, and Support - by Country

Learn about Australia Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Austria links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Brazil.

Learn about Canada Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Costa Rica links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Czech Republic.

Learn about Egypt Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Germany links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in India.

Learn about Ireland Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Israel.

Japan links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Learn about Jordan Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Kenya links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Kuwait.

Learn about Latvia Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Netherlands links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in New Zealand.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Philippines.

Learn about Poland Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Singapore links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Spain.

Learn about United Kingdom Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Yemen links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Testing, Interventions, Legislation, and Support - by State/Province

Alabama links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Alaska

Learn about Arizona Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Arkansas links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in British Columbia

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in California

Learn about Colorado Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Connecticut links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Delaware

Learn about District of Columbia Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Florida links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Georgia

Learn about Hawaii Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Idaho links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Illinois

Learn about Indiana Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Iowa links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Kansas

Learn about Kentucky Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Louisiana links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Maine

Learn about Maryland Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Massachusetts links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Michigan

Learn about Minnesota Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Mississippi links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Missouri

Learn about Montana Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Nebraska links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Nevada

Learn about New Hampshire Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

New Jersey links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in New Mexico

Learn about New York Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

North Carolina links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in North Dakota

Learn about Ohio Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Learn about Oklahoma Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Oregon links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Pennsylvania

Learn about Rhode Island Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

South Carolina links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in South Dakota

Learn about Tennessee Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Texas links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Utah

Learn about Vermont Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Virginia links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Washington

Learn about West Virginia Dyslexia laws, available dyslexia testing, remediation, reading intervention, and support networks.

Wisconsin links and information on Dyslexia testing, reading remediation, laws or legislation, support groups and resources.

Dyslexia resources, testing, screening, reading intervention, remediation, support groups, and laws in Wyoming.

We NEVER leave a child behind

quote-sign We never leave a child behind, and siblings are always free.

Hans Dekkers, CEO

We are privately subsidized: You can enroll by DONATION only — no minimum. After almost two decades of For Pay services, the most recent pricing USD 495, in March 2025, we took the step of faith, and made our program available to all, truly to all. We are passionate about helping your child succeed!

We NEVER leave a school behind

quote-sign We never leave a school or school district behind.

Hans Dekkers, CEO

We are subsidized: Our pricing is affordable. We also offer Custom Pricing. Our online reading remediation offers you the ability to continue with supervised reading interventions online. No matter what budget, we will do our very best to accommodate you. We NEVER leave a school behind.