In Loving Memory of Samuel Bomgard
Effective dyslexia remediation specifically designed for older struggling readers (age 7+).


Devin M. Kearns; Roeland Hancock; Fumiko Hoeft; Kenneth R. Pugh; Stephen J. Frost.

Excellent overview of the current Neurobiological understanding of Dyslexia, authored in 2019 by authorities in the field.


Changes in Activation: Different from Typical Readers

Neuroimaging data now appear to indicate something that typicalintervention studies have not. Successful intervention changes the patterns of activation in students with dyslexia, but the patterns are still different from those of students with typical achievement (Peck, Leong, Zekelman, & Hoeft, 2017). One important finding is that readers who respond to intervention increase their activation in the precentral gyrus, the region that activates thearticulation (physical formation) of sounds in the mouth(Hancocket al., 2017).Students who benefit from reading intervention also appear to rely more on meaning than their peers with typical achievement. The subcortical systems play a role in processing meaning (Yeatmanet al., 2012), so students who respond may be using meaning information to support their reading. Finally, increased activation in theleft thalamus in the subcortical regioncould also indicate improvement involving language and memory, increased right IFG could indicate improvement related to attention, and middle occipital gyrus could indicate a role for visual processing. 

(PDF) The Neurobiology of Dyslexia.

Available from [accessed Jul 08 2019].

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